Check out this mini-story I made as a slideshow

View slideshow I hope you enjoy it!

Inanimatealice project from iStories

This blog is, as from today (12 Dec. 2009), a tribute to James Hadley Chase, who wrote with great precision zillions of novels set in the USA , without (hardly)ever having set foot in it. I hope I can measure up to him -even if only just a bit.


After some painstaking and futile attempts I've realised that Chase must have been a much more conscientious man when it came to geographical accuracy (or just plainly much more into maps than I am). So, while still dedicated to him, I hope readers will forgive -and perhaps enjoy- some creative licence on my part...

Saturday, 8 May 2010

Journeys that can help

Love, Ethiopia - Teaser from Keith Bolling on Vimeo.

Synopsis: In March 2010, Keith Bolling and Sam Nuttmann traveled half way around the world to uncover the stories of people who need all our help the most.

The documentary "Love, Ethiopia" will premiere Summer 2010 and will explore the effects of wealth and education on the societies of different countries. Produced by, a collaborative production company of Photography and

Photos, videos and more at


Producer / Director / Cinematographer: Keith Bolling and Sam Nuttmann

Editor: Keith Bolling

Music / Motion Graphics: Sam Nuttmann

Sunday, 2 May 2010